Our Story in Becoming the Best Home Care Provider

Lifetime Care comes with professional caregiver services that provide conveniences together including home care services and non-medical home care. Become a part of our journey together in building the best home care service.

Lifetime Care - Web Tutorial

Lifetime Care - Client Calendar Tutorial

Lifetime Care - Activities

Lifetime Care - Episode #01

Lifetime Care - Episode #02

Lifetime Care - Episode #03

Lifetime Care - Episode #04

Lifetime Care - Episode #05

About Us

Lifetime Care offers personal care and services to assist the elderly enjoy the highest level of independence and quality of life achievable in the comfort of their own homes.

Daily Care

We specialize in around the clock care to help seniors live well at home.

Available 24/7

Care managers are on call for clients and their families, even during nights and weekends.

High Caliber Caregivers

We provide ongoing training and supervision along with our continuous improvement initiatives.

Balanced Care

While your doctor and nurse help your medical-related needs, we complement it with non-medical in-home care services.

No Long-Term Contracts

Use our services only as long as you're 100% satisfied.

Peace of Mind

Our service comes at a flat rate of $9/hour for seniors, without any hidden extra costs.

A Trusted Partner

If you are not satisfied with our services, you don't have to pay. No questions asked.

Local Community

We support our local community by increasing job creation around the city.

Special Thanks To

United States

501 W Lasley St.
St. Mary's, Kansas, 66536


Epicentrum Walk, 5th Floor, A529
Kuningan, South Jakarta, 12940
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